Run Windows Applications with the Least Lag Potential

Modernize your Windows workloads on AWS, including Active Directory, NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows desktop-as-a-service, and all Windows Server versions.

AWS provides the best platform for Windows Server and SQL Server

What is AWS Windows Workload?

For businesses running Microsoft Workload, AWS provides the best platform for improved performance and reliability. AWS has been providing higher security and identity services, more migration assistance, the widest and deepest capabilities, reduced TCO, and flexible license choices for more than 12 years, longer than any other cloud provider.

Everything you need to build and run Windows Server and SQL Server applications is available on AWS. Businesses may use AWS’ proven expertise to migrate, modify, and upgrade Windows workloads.

Benefits of Windows Workload on AWS

Higher Reliability and Performance

With 84 availability zones (AZs) in 26 regions and 99.99% availability for each Amazon EC2 region, moving Windows workloads to AWS can result in up to 98% less unplanned downtime, 71%faster deployment, and 26%t improved developer productivity.

Improved Identity and Security Services

AWS has 230, 5x the number of security, compliance, and governance services and features like any other large cloud provider. Security services provided by AWS include the AWS Nitro System, Chip Nitro Security, AWS Managed Active Directory, and AWS Identity Services.

Options for Flexible Licensing

Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host, Amazon EC2 Dedicated Instances, or EX2 instances, are the most popular Microsoft software license choices on AWS. AWS License Manager makes software license usage easier to track and eliminates the risk of non-compliance.

Lower TCO

According to IDC, AWS helped cut operational expenses by 56% over 5 years, with a 3-year ROI of 442 percent. AWS now provides a Saving Plans financing strategy, which may save you up to 72 percent on Amazon EC2 and Amazon EC2 Spot instances while also lowering your expenditures by up to 90%.

Best and Most in-depth Ability

With Amazon FSx for Windows File Server systems and Amazon EKS for Kubernetes on Windows, AWS is the only service that minimizes overhead and lowers expenses. You can also use AWS for Microsoft apps, which offers three times the throughput and a 25% reduction in latency.

Ready to Optimize Your Business
using Cloud Technology?

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